1. Which of the following phrases is capitalized incorrectly,
according to the AP Stylebook?
• astronaut John Glenn
• the state of Maine
• communists, fascists, and Marxists
• leaning tower of Pisa
2. Compare the following manuscript copy to the final proof copy
and identify the line in the proof copy that contains an error.
Darling, Helga L. Ext. 2331 hdarling@millingscuff.nz.cc
Hilyam, Harper S. Ext 2535 hhily@millingscuff.nz.cc
Offhart, Nellie A. Ext 3323 noffha@millingscuff.nz.cc
Parvcel, Jerome M. Ext 3330 jparvc@millingscuff.nz.cc
Ralston, Lucrezia F. Ext 2393 lralsto@millingscuff.nz.cc
• Darling, Helga L. Ext. 2331 hdarling@millingscuff.nz.cc
• Hilyam, Harper S. Ext 2535 hhily@millingscuff.nz.cc
• Offhart, Nellie A. Ext 3323 noffha@millingscuff.nz.cc
• Parvcel, Jerome M. Ext 3330
• All of the above.
3. Compare the following manuscript copy to the final proof copy
and identify the line in the proof copy that contains an error.
One plane, eight yachts, 16 luxury cars, numerous houses, villas
and apartments —
my grandfather was disgustingly rich, but also disgustingly
stingy. Upon his death, we discovered that, rather than divide his estate
equally among his family members,
Grandpa had decided to leave a tiny morsel to every person in town
— total
strangers! — so that none of us could "slip so easily into
the lap of luxury."
• One plane, eight yachts, 16 luxury cars, numerous houses, villas
and apartments —
• my grandfather was disgustingly rich, but also disgustingly
stingy. Upon his death, we
• discovered that, rather than divide his estate equally among his
family members,
• Grandpa had decided to leave a tiny morsel to every person in
town — total
• strangers! — so that none of us "slip so
easily into the lap of luxury."
• No error
4. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of capitalized or lowercase words, according to the AP Stylebook.
The boss offered the reluctant employee an ultimatum: ________ the
task now or face the consequences. And the employee knew what the consequences
were: ________ of wages, a permanent black mark on his record, and possible
• Finish / Loss
• finish / loss
• finish / Loss
• Finish / loss
5. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words, in accordance with the AP Stylebook.
The ________ has announced a new appointment to its board of
trustees. The ________ board currently consists of 21 men and women.
• American Medical Association / AMA's
• AMA / American Medical Association's
• American Medical Assn. / association's
6. Which of the following sentences contains an error in
punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
• Who wrote the book "The Grapes of Wrath"?
• The deceased leaves a son, Adam Hanks of Los Angeles; two
daughters, Mary Hanks of Wichita, Kan., and Roberta Hanks of Amarillo, Texas;
and a brother, Lewis Hanks of Boston.
• A rescue worker on the scene said that it was "too early to
tell how many were injured".
• After bringing his wife to the emergency room, Harold asked,
"Will she be all right?"
7. Which of the following sentences contains an error in
punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
• I believe it was T.S. Eliot who asked, "Do I dare to eat a
• She listed the strengths — intelligence, independence, humor,
insight — that she appreciated in an employee.
• Consider the first line of Herrick's "To the Virgins, to
Make Much of Time": "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may."
• I absolutely hated reading Shakespeare's "Cymbeline!"
8. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words or phrases, in accordance with the AP
The recipe called for 2 ________ of sugar, 3 _________ of cream
cheese and ½ ________ of vanilla.
• cups / tablespoons / teaspoon
• c. / tbsp. / tsp.
• C. / Tbsp. / Tsp.
• cups / tbsp. / tsp.
9. Which of the following sentences contains an error in number
usage, style or consistency, according to the AP Stylebook?
• The mayor managed to run the town's debt up to $5.2 million.
• Whenever I asked her to marry me, Sue just said, "A
thousand times no!"
• 1973 was a year of immense population growth.
• Four of the girls live only 6 kilometers away, while 2 of them
live over 15 kilometers away.
10. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
numerals, words or phrases, in accordance with the AP Stylebook.
My ________ daughter has already read _________ of the
• 5 year old / 3/4
• 5-yr.-old / 3/4
• five-year-old / three-quarters
• 5-year-old / three-quarters
11. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
numerals, words or phrases, in accordance with the AP Stylebook.
The government provided between ________ in aid to several
struggling countries.
• $6 and 8.2 billion dollars
• $6 billion and $8.2 billion
• 6 billion and 8.2 billion dollars
• $6 and $8.2 billion
12. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
numerals, words or phrases, in accordance with the AP Stylebook.
The group of ________bowlers, who were all in their ________ ,
brought in scores that included _________ and __________.
• one hundred / '40s / ten 289s / six 300s
• a hundred / 40s / 10 289's / 6 300's
• 100 / 40s / 10 289s / six 300s
• 100 / 40's / ten 289's / six 300's
13. Which of the following sentences contains an error in number
usage, style or consistency, according to the AP Stylebook?
• Your preliminary reports are due by 1:45 p.m. on Sept. 7, but
you have until the twenty-sixth to submit the final copy.
• She completed her degree in the late 1980s and found immediate
employment with First National Bank.
• Jane is fascinated by French fashion of the 1700s and
20th-century American fashion of the '20s and '30s.
• Pompeii, which was founded between 700 and 600 B.C., met its end
in A.D. 79.
14. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words, in accordance with the AP Stylebook.
The master of ceremonies then announced, " ________ Herbert
and ________ Linwald would now like to share a few thoughts with the
• Gov. / Dr.
• Governor / Doctor
• Gov. / Doctor
• Governor / Dr.
15. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
numerals, words or phrases, in accordance with the AP Stylebook.
Gerald found ________ on the sidewalk, of which he lent ________
to Miranda.
• twelve cents / 4 cents
• 12¢ / 4¢
• 12 cents / 4 cents
• twelve cents / four cents
16. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
numerals, words or phrases, in accordance with the AP Stylebook.
His ________contract includes a yearly salary increase of ________
• seven-year / 3.4 percent
• 7-year / 3.4 per cent
• seven-year / 3.4%
• 7-year / 3.4%
17. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words or phrases, in accordance with the AP
The researchers thought they had found relics dating from ________
; on further inspection, however, the relics were attributed to ________ .
• 250 BC / 376 AD
• 250 B.C. / the fourth century A.D.
• 250 B.C. / A.D. 376
• 250 B.C. / 376 A.D.
18. Which of the following sentences contains an error in
spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
• Were these 14 zebras ordered by you and her or by Sam and Al?
• Herbert and Peg have always been so rude to Arthur and me that
we've decided to drop them from the guest list.
• Stella's and Alma's puppies usually frolic together at the dog
• Each of the climbers has undergone a rigorous physical
• No error
19. Which of the following sentences uses correct punctuation,
according to the AP Stylebook?
• That breed of dog stands about 3-feet-tall.
• On Dec. 15, 2009, the choral group performed at Carnegie Hall.
• The final scores in the international championship were as
follows; England, 6; Germany, 4; Italy, 8; United States, 1.
• Italian has two terms for the word 'face' — one for the face of
a human (viso) and another for the face of an animal (muso).
20. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words or phrases, in accordance with the AP
The hostess required us to send in our ________ card by ________
• rsvp / Apr.
• RSVP / April
• RSVP / Apr.
• r.s.v.p. / April
21. Which of the following phrases is capitalized incorrectly,
according to the AP Stylebook?
• the Prince of Wales
• the French revolution
• key to Room 1560
• Act 1, Scene 5
22. Which of the following phrases is capitalized incorrectly,
according to the AP Stylebook?
• the gypsies of Eastern Europe
• Beethoven's Serenade for Flute
• Nobel Prize in literature
• the queen mother
23. Which of the following sentences does NOT contain an error in
spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
• After dividing up the loot, we realized that Lightfoot and Drake
had taken the lions' share.
• Hugh isn't a close friend; still, I wish he would have invited
me to the party.
• Having been awakened by the screaming sirens, the policeman met
me in my pajamas.
• This year I learned how to tune a piano, make old-fashioned
taffy and speak French.
24. Which of the following sentences contains an error in
spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
• The Gonzalez and Carey families have lived next door to each
other for 10 years. The earthquake has left both the Gonzalezes and Careys
• The number of walruses are larger than in previous years.
• The Celtics are playing their first game tonight, while the
Magic are scheduled for tomorrow.
25. Which of the following phrases is capitalized incorrectly, according
to the AP Stylebook?
• the office of the attorney general
• an Olympic-size pool
• St. John's parish
• the Grim Reaper
26. Read the following passage and select the line/s that contains
an error in number usage, style or consistency, according to the AP Stylebook.
• Seeing as our train wasn't scheduled to leave until 12:00 a.m.,
we decided to
• drive the 13 miles to Albany to do a little shopping — there
were, after all,
• only fifteen days until Christmas and we hadn't even thought
about gifts. Seven
• grandchildren, including a 3-year-old, were counting on us!
• a, b, and d
• a and c
27. Read the following passage and select the line that contains
an error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook.
• Everyone in town, intent on sending that crook of a mayor to
jail, testified
• in front of the judge. Even the judge himself testified, asking
himself questions
• and giving himself carefully considered responses. The mayor
didn't stand a chance.
• No error
28. Which of the following sentences does NOT contain an error in
punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
• Maureen's five page study, "Current Practices in
Gastroenterology," will be published in The Mid-Atlantic Journal of
• Is it better to stop here for the night? he wondered.
• "Keep away from the yellow line!", cried the train
• What exactly the problem is is not clear.
29. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words or phrases, in accordance with the AP
The ________ is currently reviewing the case against disgraced
police ________ Frank Papetti.
• D.A. / Det.
• district attorney / Detective
• District Attorney / Det.
• DA / Detective
30. Read the following passage and select the line that contains
an error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook.
• As a public speaking exercise, we were
• required to memorize and recite not only the
• Presidential oath of office, but also one
• of Hamlet's soliloquies.
• No error
31. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words or phrases, in accordance with the AP
The guest list included ________ Johnson and Howe, ________ Arthur
and Lovitz and ________ Hannigan.
• Mr.'s / Mrs.' / Ms.
• Messrs. / Mmes. / Ms.
• Mister's / Missus' / Ms.
• Messrs. / Mmes. / Mlle.
32. Which of the following sentences contains an error in
spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
• Agnes Libella was the publisher whom everyone admired most.
• We were not allowed to vote for any of the write-in candidates.
• The teenaged suspect burst into tears at the sight of the
interrogation room.
33. Which of the following sentences contains an error in
apostrophe usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
• Despite budget cuts, the women's health clinic has developed
several new programs.
• For goodness' sake, please take your feet off the coffee table.
• I have all of Dickens's novels, but I've read only "Great
• The model student was accustomed to seeing all A's and B's on
his report card.
34. Which of the following sentences contains an error in comma
usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
• The local police apprehended the suspect, but the FBI performed
the interrogation.
• My husband wanted to borrow my Ferrari, but he couldn't find the
keys I'd hidden.
• The tycoon's recent investment left him $50,000 richer, and
confirmed his financial prowess.
• The mayor wanted to run for reelection, but his advisors were
against the idea.
35. Read the following passage and identify the line that contains
an error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook.
• I found an opening in my schedule to come see you next Friday;
however, from
• what I under stand, you'll still be out of town at that point.
Please let my assistant
• know when your next available so she can pencil me in — the
sooner the better.
• b and c
• a and b
36. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words or phrases, in accordance with the AP
The deadline for submissions is ________, although some applicants
may be granted an extension until the end of _________ . The fall semester will
begin on ________.
• Jan. 30, 2010 / March / Sept. 10
• January 30, 2010 / March / September 10
• Jan. 30, 2010 / Mar. / Sept. 10
37. Which of the following sentences contains an error in
apostrophe usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
• Hank's and Linda's house was built over 90 years ago.
• The local teachers college has come under fire due to the recent
admissions scandal.
• He eventually graduated from Harvard with the class of '59.
• The couple had only managed to put aside three months' worth of
38. Which of the following sentences contains an error in
punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
• Sean told me — Did I hear him correctly? — that he started the
• The group of spies consisted of four Italian-Americans and six
French Canadians.
• My sister, who is a consummate seamstress, taught me four new
design techniques; the mandarin collar, the dolman sleeve, the contoured
waistband, and the French cuff.
• Although the team scored a first-quarter touchdown, it wasn't
able to sustain its lead.
39. Read the following passage and identify the type of error in
spelling, grammar or usage it contains, according to the AP Stylebook.
The tomato factory effuses such a strong odor of rotten produce
that the town's citizens have become skeptical about the quality of the
products it churns out.
• Capitalization
• Diction or word choice
• Plurals
• Tense or verb shift
• No error
40. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
words or phrases, in accordance with the AP Stylebook.
Jack decided to ________ his share of the company for a song,
which made us all think he was a real ________ .
• sell out / sell out
• sellout / sellout
• sell out / sellout
• sellout / sell out
41. Which of the following sentences does NOT contain an
• The marketing team will include Harlon Welsh, Emily DeAngelis,
Ms. Rumson and Jim Cash.
• I sent out invoices 1518, 1533, 1585, 1572 and 1591 yesterday.
• Their telephone number is 518-555-7423, and their fax number is
(518) 555-7424.
• Maryann's Ice Cream Shoppe has just ordered 24 pounds of
toppings: 6 pounds of miniature nonpareils, 8 pounds of crushed chocolate
wafers, and 10 pounds of multicolored sprinkles.
42. Identify the type of spelling, grammar or usage error
contained in the following sentence.
Each of the choristers know when and how to warm up and get ready
for a performance.
• Pronoun case
• Pronoun-antecedent agreement
• Subject-verb agreement
• Parallelism
43. Which of the following sentences contains an error in
punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
• We figured it would take about three hours' time to reach the
mountain peak.
• Until recently, students' refusal to follow a dress code led to
disciplinary action.
• The Vietnam Veterans Memorial features 58,191 soldier's names.
• "My favorite part of the movie," said Alice, "is
when he yells, 'I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!' ".
44. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words or phrases, in accordance with the AP
The family was recently forced out of its long-time home at
________ and has had to take refuge at the Mission Shelter on ________.
• 325 E. Apple Street / Derrington Boulevard
• 325 East Apple St. / Derrington Blvd.
• 325 E. Apple St. / Derrington Boulevard
45. Which of the following sentences does NOT contain an error in
comma usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
• The Paris runways glittered with expensive, colorful,
over-the-top, spring fashions.
• The Paris runways glittered with expensive, colorful,
over-the-top spring fashions.
• The Paris runways glittered with expensive colorful, over the
top spring fashions.
• The Paris runways glittered, with expensive, colorful,
over-the-top, spring fashions.
46. Which of the following sentences contains an error in
capitalization, according to the AP Stylebook?
• No one was really surprised by the popularity of first lady
Michelle Obama.
• The guests were horrified when they saw us cover our french fries
and vienna sausages in Tabasco sauce.
• After six months in space, the exhausted astronauts returned to
• I wrote Mother a letter but forgot to send a card to my
47. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly,
according to the AP Stylebook?
• My sister told me that when cousins are "removed" at
least one generation separates them.
• My sister told me that when cousins are "removed," at
least one generation separates them.
• My sister told me that when cousins are "removed", at
least one generation separates them.
48. Which of the following sentences is most correct in terms of
punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
• My carpenter friend, Did I already tell you this?, will look at
the work tomorrow and give you an estimate.
• My carpenter friend (did I already tell you this?) will look at
the work tomorrow and give you an estimate.
• My carpenter friend: did I already tell you this?: will look at
the work tomorrow and give you an estimate.
• My carpenter friend — Did I already tell you this? — will look
at the work tomorrow and give you an estimate.
49. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words or phrases, in accordance with the AP
Albert Ewing, who has a ________ in psychology, regaled the crowd
with anecdotes of his time at Stanford University when he was working on his
• Ph.D. / M.S.
• doctorate / master's degree
• Doctorate / Master of Science degree
• Ph.D. / master's degree
50. Read the following passage and select the line that contains
an error in punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook.
• The main character's shift in attitude is apparent when she
• says: "Gail swore up and down that she would never again
speak to
• that awful man [her one-time lover.]" Indeed, that passage
marks the
• beginning of the end of the relationship between the long-time
51. Which of the following three words can be abbreviated when
used with a numbered address, according to the AP Stylebook?
• Road, Terrace, Street
• Drive, Circle, Boulevard
• Street, Drive, Avenue
• Avenue, Boulevard, Street
52. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of abbreviated
or unabbreviated words or phrases, in accordance with the AP Stylebook.
Rallies took place across the nation from Jacksonville, _________,
to Nome, ________ .
• Fla. / Alas.
• Florida / Alaska
• Fla. / Alaska
• FL / AK
53. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words or phrases, in accordance with the AP
The ________ is one of the five major branches of the armed forces
of the _______ . The Air Force falls under the direction of the ________.
• U.S. Air Force / United States / Department of Defense
• U.S. Air Force / U.S. / DoD
• United States Air Force / United States / Department of Defense
• USAF / U.S. / Department of Defense
54. Which of the following sentences is correct in terms of number
usage, style or consistency, according to the AP Stylebook?
• Oct. 26, 1966, was just a regular day for most folks — but for
Renata and her two siblings, it was the beginning of a whole new life.
• By 6 p.m., you must read the preface on Pages xxv-xxvii and the
introduction on Pages 2-15; familiarize yourself with tables 32, 41 and 48; and
study figures 6-22.
• One thousand three hundred people work at 1100 Fairview Way;
1,205 at 7040 Alameda Blvd.; and 32,641 at 59000 Sunset Drive.
• All of the above are correct
55. Which of the following is capitalized correctly, according to
the AP Stylebook?
• zip code
• Zip Code
• ZIP code
56. Which of the following sentences contains an error or
• We are preparing shipments to Albany, Ind., Los Angeles and
Kansas City, Mo.
• Dr. Amanda Bellingham will be the keynote speaker at the
conference. Bellingham is best known for her research on Parkinson's disease.
• Today is Monday, August 15; the committee will not meet until
Friday, August 20.
• The 2.5 percent discount he negotiated on that oil deal saved
the company $1 million.
57. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words or phrases, in accordance with the AP
History students were dismayed to learn that ________ Fortnoy planned
to retire and that his replacement would be the unpopular ________ Combs.
• Prof. / Dr.
• prof. / doctor
• Professor / Doctor
• professor / Dr.
58. Read the following sentence and choose the option that should
be edited to remove wordiness.
The personnel director said she would postpone her decision about
hiring a replacement until later.
• The personnel director said
• she would postpone her decision
• about hiring a replacement
• until later.
59. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
words and phrases, as prescribed by the AP Stylebook.
A security guard at the local __________ has accused a
____________ student of vandalism. The guard is a recent hire who has been
working at the school __________.
• high-school / high-school / full-time
• high school / high-school / full time
• high-school / high school / full time
• high school / high-school / full-time
60. Compare the following manuscript copy to the final proof copy
and identify the line in the proof copy that contains an error.
To Mr. Brian Brenner, Boxing and Labeling Department:
Please be advised that as of May 15 the company will discontinue
its use of clear packing tape. New packing tape products in red,
blue and yellow have already been ordered for delivery on Friday.
Please clear inventory of old stock and advise your staff of the
• To Mr. Brain Brenner, Boxing and Labeling Department:
• Please be advised that as of May 15 the company will discontinue
• its use of clear packing tape. New packing tape products in red,
• blue, and yellow have already been ordered for delivery on Friday.
• Please clear inventory of old stock and advise your staff of the
• a and d
• a, c, and d
61. Which of the following series is correctly punctuated,
according to the AP Stylebook?
• When the runaway's suitcase burst open, out fell a half-eaten
ham sandwich, three green, red and gold Christmas ornaments, 14 pairs of white
socks, and bus tickets to San Francisco, Seattle and Portland.
• When the runaway's suitcase burst open, out fell a half-eaten
ham sandwich; three green, red and gold Christmas ornaments; 14 pairs of white
socks; and bus tickets to San Francisco, Seattle and Portland.
62. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
abbreviated or unabbreviated words or phrases, in accordance with the AP
Democratic ________ Al Franken of ________ , who took office on
July 7, 2009, was honored to be given the desk of former ________ Paul
Wellstone, ________, who had died in a plane crash.
• Sen. / Minn. / Sen. / D-Minn.
• Senator / Minnesota / Senator / Democrat-Minnesota
• Sen. / Minnesota / Sen. / D-Minn.
63. Fill in the following passage with the correct sequence of
words or phrases, in accordance with the AP Stylebook.
If you don't ________ your files on a regular basis, you should
have a ________ plan in case you lose all your data.
• back up / backup
• backup / backup
• back-up / back up
• back up / back up
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