1. A good
novel or novella often has __________ points of view.
• one or more
• five
• ten
• half a dozen from different genders
2. In
fiction writing, 'foreshadowing' is a term for __________________.
• the shadows that lurk in the back of a character's mind
• the clues in the narrative that give an
indication of or pre-empt the future plot or story
• the tying up of all loose ends at the end of the story
• the rebels in a gothic horror story
• None of the above
3. What
is creative non-fiction?
• Same as non-fiction
• Fiction with some fact
• Non-fiction writing that uses creative
techniques often associated with fiction writing
• Half fact, half fiction, in certain agreed ratios
• a and c
4. What
is a mythological story, or myth?
• The story of a real historical event or person
• A story that is set in a faraway, fairy-tale
• A story set in the future from which we can better understand
the present
• A story that carries deeper meaning, often offering a symbolic
interpretation of mankind, nature, and the wider world in a universal context
5. Which
of the following is not a commonly acknowledged genre in novel writing?
• Mystery
• Thriller
• Horror
• Crime
• Love
6. A
story is often said to have three parts: a beginning, a middle and an end. What
are these parts sometimes called?
• The premise, the pause and the demise
• The run-up, the walk-on and the run-off
• The leap, the steady and the fall
• The exposition, the middle section and the
According to Ernest Hemingway's "iceberg theory" for determining the
power of a narrative and the impression it makes on a reader, which of the
following statements is most true?
• Most of the story's effect should be below the
surface and conveyed by relatively fewer words on the page.
• More words should be used on the page, with the effect on the
reader being reduced.
• Stories should be cold and always have selfish characters.
• All of the above
8. The
term "onomatopoeia" refers to the formation of words that imitate the
sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. Given that, which
of the following character names is onomatopoeic?
• Mr. Tall, the banker
• Mr. Swish, the broom maker
• Mr. Hungry, the baker
• Mr. Legs, the sprinter
Literary agents usually have _________ clients or authors on their client list.
• 1-5
• 1-10
• 1-100
• 1-200
• None of the above: the number of clients can
vary a great deal.
10. In
fiction writing, a 'foil' is ______________.
• the fundamental and usually universal concept expressed through
the story
• the protagonist
• the hurried dialogue between two characters that expresses
frustration or unhappiness
• the antagonist
• a character who calls attention, by contrast, to the good
qualities or traits of the protagonist or other characters
11. The
term 'irony' refers to ________________.
• the moment a character becomes angry or extremely irate
• the discrepancy or incongruity between what is
meant and what is actually said, which often results in a wry contrast
• the moment a speaker means every word he or she says and wants
to be taken literally
• a theme centred on irons, fire irons, or tire irons
• b and c
• None of the above
12. In
fiction writing, a 'caricature' is ______________.
• a character from the past
• a character who is larger than life
• a character whose behaviour or mannerisms are
exaggerated for comic relief, as in a visual cartoon
• a drawing of the main character
Fiction that is published online is usually called _______________.
• PC fiction
• long fiction
• flash or flashy fiction
• digital fiction
• b and d
14. The
term 'writer's block' refers to ______________ .
• the moments when a writer gets 'stuck' and finds
it difficult to continue writing a particular work or story
• the division between chapters in a book where white space is
present on half a page
• a metallic block writers use for inspiration and to generate new
• an author's finished book
___________ is a method by which an author enters into a contract with a
publishing company, at the author's expense, to have his or her manuscript
printed in book form.
• E-publishing through the author's own website
• Professional journaling
• Self-publishing
• A query letter
• Third-party printing
16. What
is copy-editing?
• Editing a text by making notes on a separate sheet of paper and
ensuring that there are three spare copies of the manuscript
• Copying the entire text in case it gets lost
• Marking up a manuscript with symbols that
communicate to a typesetter, editor or author how to change the manuscript
• Copying and editing the manuscript, and then repeating the
process twice
• None of the above
17. A
full-length work in which characters appear in cartoon form, but that is
usually written for an adult audience, is called _______________.
• pulp fiction
• an autobiography
• a graphic novel
• a comic strip
• c and d
18. In
fiction writing, the term 'persona' refers to ________________.
• a person in the story who has morphed into multiple people
• the moment at which a character takes the action
very personally
• the entire cast of characters
• the voice adopted by the author to tell the story, which may or
may not be like the real author's voice
19. A
line break in a story is often associated with what kind of change in the
action or narrative?
• A change in tense
• A change in tension
• A change in time or space
• A breaking and entering
• A break for comedy / tragedy
20. In
terms of "show versus tell", which of the following is preferable
when structuring a story?
• Having more tell than show
• Having more show than tell
• Having about the same amount of show as tell
• Having twice as much tell as show
21. In
fiction writing, 'setting' refers to ___________.
• the tone in which the author writes the story
• the time, place, and circumstances of the story
• how the story is typeset on the page
• the time at which the story takes place, but not the specific
22. Which
of the following genres of writing is the least likely to have a sub-plot?
• A fairy tale
• A novella
• A short story
• A novel in verse
• Flash fiction
23. If a
novel is poorly plotted, what is most likely wrong with it?
• The overall story is too long.
• The story is too simple.
• The characters are not believable and are hard to like.
• The events, story and characters do not
integrate well or are over-written, exaggerated or unbelievable, and/or there
are factual errors.
• It is plodding and dull.
• a, b and d
24. A
print run is _____________ .
• the printing of a book that occurs at one
particular time and for a determined number of copies
• the printed copies of a book that are quickly distributed to the
• the reprinting of titles that have sold out at the retail stores
• the author's term for a particular kind of editing that assures
good quality printing
25. The
in-house departments at a publishing company are commonly called Production,
Marketing, Sales, Design, Finance/Accounting and _________ .
• Self-promotion
• Author/Writer
• Editorial
• Micro-management
• Distribution
26. The
'climax' of a story is ____________________ .
• the very ending
• the very middle
• the highest point in the story or conflict just
before potential resolution
• a sequel to a work
• All of the above
27. Which
of the following is commonly regarded as the most essential ingredient of a
dramatic plot?
• Conflict
• Harmony
• Moral characters doing bad things
• Immoral characters doing good things
28. If
editorial work is done in-house, it would most likely be carried out by which
of the following people?
• A freelancer
• The publisher
• The managing director
• A desk editor
• An intern
29. The
overuse of _________________ should be avoided in fiction writing because it can
lead to weak, unrealistic, and ineffective prose.
• nouns and verbs
• chapters and paragraphs
• adjectives and adverbs
• beginnings and endings
• All of the above
30. What
are page proofs?
• The individual pages of a book in the publishing process that
are still in draft format and that the author, editor, and typesetter mark up
for possible changes
• The proofreading marks that appear on the pages of an
almost-finished book or publication
• The watermarks on the copyright, introduction, and contents
• The final, proofread, camera-ready pages that
are being sent to press
31. Is
the following sentence true or false?
When you
agree to first UK serial rights, you give a publisher the first right to
publish your work in serial form only in the UK; they would have to negotiate
any other rights separately.
• True
• False
32. A
pseudonym is ______________ .
• a ballpoint pen
• a specific editorial deletion method
• a pen name, or the name under which a writer is
• a novel's release date
• the term for pulping old books
33. Which
of the following statements best illustrates the primary purpose of writing
• Dialogue shares information by narrating the story.
• Dialogue is less important than other aspects of story-telling
such as setting, theme, and characterization.
• Dialogue propels the plot forward through a
character's actions rather than through his words.
• Dialogue reflects the speaking voice of the character.
34. A
book that sells in great numbers and makes the top-selling lists of major
newspapers is often called a ____________ .
• major success
• big-time book
• bestseller
• bank-breaker
• publisher's lunch
• dime-store novel
Publishing companies are often called publishing ___________ .
• super-conglomerates
• corporations
• houses
• cottages
• None of the above
36. What
is the difference between a closed plot and an open plot?
• An open plot involves marriage at the end, while a closed plot
involves murder.
• An open plot is one in which conflict is resolved at the end,
while a closed plot is one in which conflict is not resolved.
• A closed plot is one in which conflict is resolved
at the end, while an open plot is one in which conflict is not resolved.
• There is no difference between an open and closed plot.
37. A
flashback is _____________________ .
• a brighter, more positive moment for a character or for the tone
of the story as a whole
• a flashy sequence during which the style of writing becomes
disjointed, similar to modernist writing
• a section in which the narrative goes back in
time, often within the mind of a character, to events preceding the current
• a section of narrative immediately following a flash-forward
38. In
fiction writing, the term 'allusion' refers to _______________.
• the dark tone of a narrative
• the alternating movement between comedy and tragedy in a
• an instance in which a speaker's words are meant to mean the
opposite of their literal meaning, or when the speaker's words are undermined
by the narrator
• an indirect historical or cultural reference
made by the writer or one of his characters in a narrative
According to the old adage about making every significant detail count, if a
gun is placed on the wall in the first part of a story,
________________________ .
• it should fall off sooner rather than later
• it should be ignored
• it should be fired by the end of the story
• it should remain there
40. In
terms of novels, what is a 'proposal'?
• A summary of an existing novel
• A short description of an author's past and future work
• A letter or e-mail sent to the editor of a magazine requesting
• A hypothetical description of a future work or
work-in-progress that might interest an editor
41. A
'typo' in a draft, proof or published book is ___________ .
• a spelling mistake
• an intentional error
• a mark that draws the reader's attention such as underlining,
italics or bold
• a typing error
42. Which
of the following best describes a 'roman a clef' (novel with a key)?
• A novel written in French
• A novel with a key attached to the front cover
• A novel with a map or family tree in the front that relates to
the action
• A novel in which actual events and/or people are
depicted as fictional events and/or characters
43. What
is the difference between a publisher's 'front list' and its 'back list'?
• The front list is put in the window, and the back list stays in
the office.
• The front list contains the titles that have
gone on sale in the current year, while the back list are the titles that are
older than frontlist title.
• The front list is marketed, while the back list is not.
• The front list is contains the names of genre writers, while the
back list contains the names of literary writers.
44. A
plot synopsis is ____________________ .
• a summary of the main plot in relation to the
characters and the main events
• an expansion of the main plot in terms of what could be included
for an even longer version
• a numbered list of plot points with no reference to characters
• an alternative version of the story for editing purposes
45. What
is the difference between a 'plot' and a 'story'?
• A story is a series of events told in
chronological order. A plot is a series of events deliberately arranged so as
to reveal their dramatic, thematic, and emotional significance.
• A plot is a series of events told in chronological order. A
story is a series of events deliberately arranged so as to reveal their
dramatic, thematic, and emotional significance.
• Both a and b
• A story is linear; a plot is non-linear.
• There is no difference; plot and story are the same thing.
46. A
story that ends at the point at which it began is said to be ___________ .
• reversed
• self-induced
• non-linear
• cyclical
47. In
terms of time, a story without temporal disjunctions, flashbacks or dream
sequences that could confuse the main action is said to be _______________ .
• plain
• over-determined
• non-linear
• linear
• None of the above
48. In
fiction writing, the term 'in medias res' refers to __________________.
• the middle of a story
• a person who meddles in the action
• the technique of beginning a story in the middle of the action
• the technique of telling a story in reverse order of action
49. In
terms of how a story is told, "POV" means ________.
• pick of vice
• particle of vector
• piece of venom
• part of version
• point of view
50. What
is a biographical novel?
• A half fictional, half factual novel, the fiction and fact
alternating between chapters
• The factual re-telling or re-imagining of a fictional character
• Telling someone else's real story as
non-fictional, from a third-person perspective
• One that deals with biology and its affect on the characters
• The fictional re-telling or re-imagining of a real person
51. In his
book Aspects of the Novel, E. M. Forster famously described characters as
'flat' or 'round'. Which of the following best describes flat characters as
opposed to round characters?
• Round characters are one-dimensional, often with a single character
trait, while flat characters are more believable because they have a fuller
personality with multiple character traits.
• Flat characters are physically flat, while round characters are
physically round.
• Flat characters are major characters, while round characters are
minor characters.
• Flat characters are one-dimensional, often with
a single character trait, while round characters are more believable because
they have a fuller personality with multiple character traits.
52. What
is typesetting?
• The first print-run of a book
• The laying out of a book in terms of how the
book will actually look when printed
• The editorial method in which proofs are passed between
publisher and author
• The name for the code that publishers and literary agents use
when deciding whether to offer an author a contract or not
53. In
fiction writing, the term 'premise' refers to ________________ .
• the climax near the end of the story
• the situation at the beginning of the story
• the broad middle section of the story
• None of the above
• All of the above
Publishers, editors and agents commonly prefer typed manuscripts to be
submitted in which of the following formats?
• Single-spaced
• One-and-a-half spaced
• Double-spaced
• Triple-spaced
• Any of The above
55. Which
of the following is the best definition of a novella?
• Half novel, half short story
• A large collection of short stories
• A short novel
• All of the above
56. Is
the following sentence true or false?
When an
author agrees to give a publisher worldwide audio rights, he or she gives the
publisher the right to record the author's written work for listeners anywhere
in the world.
• True
• False
57. Which
of the following describes language that refers to meanings other than the
literal meaning?
• Symbolic or figurative
• Stream of consciousness
• Symbiotic or parasitic
• Open-ended
• None of the above
58. In
copyediting, red ink and blue ink generally signify which kinds of changes?
• Both are used to show deletions, neither to show additions.
• Both are used for any type of change.
• Both are used to show additions, neither to show deletions.
• Blue ink is used to show additions, and red ink
is used to show deletions.
• a and b
59. In
general, the plot of a novel or short story is best described by which of the
• The arc of the story from the end to the beginning
• The mystery at the heart of the tale, especially one involving a
secret plan
• The plotting of the characters
• The significant points of story development that
tell the story
• c and d
60. In
creative writing, the term 'simile' refers to ______________.
• a compound noun
• the comparison of two nouns or two verbs using a metaphor
• a character who smiles a lot
• a figure of speech in which the author refers to something as
the opposite of what it actually is
• a figure of speech in which two essentially
unlike things are compared, usually introduced by the words like or as
61. What
is 'vanity publishing'?
• A publishing method in which an author self-publishes his or her
own book, perhaps because it was not picked up by an established publishing
• Online publishing
• A service in which an author pays someone to
bind his or her book
• All of the above
62. Using
the names of real people when creating characters is not a good idea legally
because you run the risk of ______________ .
• being unoriginal
• facing libel charges, being accused of
defamation of character and being sued
• losing self-esteem and not being able to finish the book
• losing friends and alienating people
63. Why
are short stories sometimes more challenging than novels for writers to write?
• Readers expect more from short stories.
• The characters and plot must be introduced and
developed quickly rather than over a period of time.
• Short stories have more characters.
• All of the above
• None of the above
64. In
terms of interacting with another writer's characters, plagiarism is when
___________________ .
• the characters are identical
• one writer steals characters or ideas from
another writer without changing his or her style of writing in representing
those ideas or characters on the page
• one writer steals another writer's belongings in real life
• one writer borrows and sufficiently changes the characters
created by another writer, so that they no longer resemble their originals
65. The
'denouement' of a story is its _____________.
• middle part
• exposition
• conflict
• premise
• resolution
66. The
fiction writing technique of showing a character expressing thoughts or
feelings to him or herself is called __________________ .
• introspective behaviour
• self-analysis
• an interior monologue
• indirect free speech
67. The
back story of a piece of fiction is ____________.
• the story told backwards
• the very end of the story
• the publishing blurb that appears on the back cover of the book
• the story of the antagonist's motivation
• the series of events or character insights that
occurred before the story began, often detailed by the author once the action
has begun
• b, c and d
68. What
is a copyright?
• The rights an author licenses to an editor to alter the original
• The photocopies of an author's manuscript
• The authority an author gives to a book agent to sell his or her
• The legal right granted to an author or
publisher to exclusive publication, copy, sale, or distribution of a creative
• The legal self-promotion an author engages in to sell his or her
69. What
do inverted commas mean when used in fiction dialogue?
• Skip to the next page.
• They denote words like 'said' or 'replied'.
• The dialogue does not specifically identify who is talking.
• The dialogue specifically signifies someone is
70. A
'stock character' is _______________.
• a character with a great deal of personal charm
• a character who operates the stocks in a village square
• a character made out of wood
• a general, rather than specific, character who
is easily recognizable, such as 'the college frat boy' or 'the absent-minded
71. If
the narrator of a story refers to him or herself as "I", which of the
following perspectives is being used?
• Omniscient
• Ambivalent
• First-person
• Third-person
• Second-person
72. The
inner self-questioning or drive that leads a character to do or accomplish
something is called the character's _____________.
• spin
• insight
• maddening impulse
• motivation
73. Which
of the following best defines a collection of interconnected short stories?
• A collection of short novels that feature characters who appear
in other novels
• A collection of stories in which the same
character appears in all of the stories
• A series of short stories that share similar themes or
characters within the same overall work
• A collection of stories in which each story shares the same
subject matter
74. In a
fictional work, the section that appears before the first chapter - and that is
not the introduction, table of contents or dedication - is most likely a/an
_________ .
• afterword
• prologue
• marketing trick
• by-line
• a and b
75. When submitting fiction - especially a novel - to a literary agent, which of the following is usually sent after the initial inquiry?
• The first half of the book
• The whole book
• The first hundred pages and the last page
• The first three chapters
• The first ten chapters
76. In a
linear narrative, how is the story told in terms of time?
• One event follows another in chronological order.
• The narrative skips around in time.
• The narrative skips around in time, but always returns to its
starting point.
• The story is told backwards.
77. The
term 'stream of consciousness' refers to ______________.
• the mind of the author
• the author's desire to keep writing and ward off writer's block
• a stream that has a mind of its own
• a style of writing in which the author records in a continuous
manner - and often with reduced punctuation and less attention to grammatical
forms - the procession of random thoughts that passes through his or her mind
78. The
main relationship between the protagonist and the antagonist of a story can
best be described as one of __________ .
• jealousy
• necessity
• brotherhood
• conflict
• mutual support
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